C. 朗拿度親筆簽名曼聯主場版波衫 ( 傳奇裝裱 )

HKD 12,880.00


剩餘: 1


- 尺寸:920mm (H) x 1120mm (W) x 20mm (D) - 歐聯版 - 傳奇裝裱附有球星照片,照片尺寸約 390mm (H) x 290mm (W) - 畫框名牌旁附有歐聯官方 LOGO - 畫框背面附有歐聯官方發出的真實認證書 - 由英國裝裱再空運到港 - 售價已包括送貨到家之運費,但不包括安裝上牆費用




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This superb 2019-20 Manchester United home shirt was personally signed by Red Devils legend and global superstar Cristiano Ronaldo during a private signing session. Each shirt comes with an official UEFA Champions League Certificate of Authenticity, which serves as your proof the signature is 100% genuine. Don't miss your chance to own this awesome piece of sports memorabilia signed by a bona fide football legend.

Approximate size: 920mm (H) x 1120mm (W) x 20mm (D)


There are few words as apt as iconic when describing Cristiano Ronaldo. The Portuguese forward is beloved by millions of adoring fans around the world and nowhere more so than in football hotbeds Manchester, Madrid, Turin and Lisbon. He is Real Madrid's all-time leading scorer. He is the UEFA Champions League's all-time leading scorer. He is Portugal's all-time leading scorer. In fact, he is international football's all-time leading scorer. Adding to his continental success at club level (Ronaldo has won the UEFA Champions League an astonishing five times) Ronaldo captured a barely-believable European triumph as Portugal captain at UEFA EURO 2016. With a long list of remarkable records and incredible individual honours, the man known as CR7 has forged a career that has made him an legend in every sense of the word.
